NWPT'16: 28th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory

31 October - 2 November 2016

Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University organizes the 28th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT’16). This event takes place in the middle of the one of the most beautiful nature resources in North Jutland, about 20 minutes by train from Aalborg city center. The workshop, accommodation and social activities will all be hosted at the hotel Rold Storkroen located at the Rold Forest.

NWPT 2016

The NWPT series of annual workshops is a forum bringing together programming theorists from the Nordic and Baltic countries (but also elsewhere). Submission of work in progress as well as abstracts of manuscripts submitted for formal publication elsewhere are permitted.

We are happy to welcome 55 participants to the event, which presents an interesting programme including speakers Alan Mycroft, University of Cambridge, and Jan Frisco Groote, Eindhoven University of Technology.

We have arranged a special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) devoted to the best contributions to the workshop.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • semantics of programming languages
  • programming language design and programming methodology
  • programming logics
  • formal specification of programs
  • program verification
  • program construction
  • tools for program verification and construction
  • program transformation and refinement
  • real-time and hybrid systems
  • models of concurrency and distributed computing
  • language-based security.

Read more at http://nwpt2016.cs.aau.dk/