CISS is among the leading research environments within embedded software systems, not only in Denmark but in the entire world. We work with 11 different focal areas, and within each area, we conduct research to gain new knowledge and develop new methods and processes to the advantage of our collaborators, it being companies, other research institutions or organizations.
By far the largest number of our business collaborations are interdisciplinary, giving companies access to the exact competences that are needed to solve their problems. If you have a specific problem that you believe can be solved through collaboration with CISS, or if you would like to otherwise initiate collaboration or simply learn more about what CISS can offer your company, please feel free to contact us by phone +45 99 40 72 20 or e-mail You can also read more about our collaboration offers here.
Embedded systems
The products of the future comes with more and better functionality. Reliability, performance and efficiency is enhanced and the products are smarter and more competitive. Many of these enhancements are brought to the products by embedded systems.
Big data
Coming soon
Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical systems are system which consist of both physical components and embedded software components.
Energy and smart grid
Energy and smartgrid systems are gaining attention in our society to facilitate both optimization of energy consumption and beneficial utilization of renewable energy sources indeed smart and yet a challenging task.
High-level programming languages
A programmer’s choice of programming language is often a matter of habit – and very much a matter of emotions. This means that it is not necessarily the optimal language that is chosen for a specific task. At CISS, we participate in a series of projects focusing on making the best choice of programming language for specific purposes.
IoT (Internet of Things)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that is used for the potential to connect everything to the internet. IoT is slowly becomnig a reality with all sorts of appliances and industrial equipment being created with the builtin potential of being connected to the internet.
Machine intelligence
Machine intelligence concerns the analysis, design, and implementation of intelligent agents/systems. These types of systems appear in a wide and diverse range of applications, and includes recommender systems, systems for troubleshooting faulty equipment (and humans) as well as systems for doing process and customer monitoring and profiling.
Model-driven development
Modeldriven development refers to the practice of using models as the central objects in the development process.This is in contrast to most development which has textual specifications and code as the central objects.
Optimal scheduling
Optimal scheduling concerns mathematically planning the working procedure of a product in connection with performing a specific function.
Real-time operating systems and platforms
A lot of, especially embedded, software has the purpose to perform tasks at specific times or within strict intervals. Examples of this are the autopilot of a plane or the radar system on a ship. Such software is often required to provide steadiness and accuracy, in the sense that the embedded system must deliver exact information within often at strict deadlines.
Safety- and security-critical systems
When talking about embedded software, both safety and security are important. ‘Safety’ concerns a system’s ability to function without causing harm to objects or persons and function with a sufficient level of reliability, while ‘security’ concerns a system’s ability to protect against e.g. hackers and leakage of of sensitive data.
Smart city
Gathering data from the Internet of Things is one thing – utilizing data from open data sources and provide useful services to the citizens of a city is smart.
Software defined networks
Computer networks currently undergo a phase transition. By outsourcing and consolidating the control over network elements to a logically centralized software controller, the Software-Defined Networking paradigm introduces programmability and unprecedented flexibilities in how computer networks can be operated and reasoned about.
Test and validation of embedded systems
The more advanced embedded software systems are becoming, the larger the number of things that can go wrong. Therefore, almost fifty percent of the time it takes to develop the systems is spent on testing programmes.