News and events
On this page you can keep up-to-date with the latest news from CISS and the projects we participate in, as well as the events we participate in or organize.
Researchers on the trail of COVID-19: People have a civic duty to get tested
The next phase of the global battle against COVID-19 is in full swing, and huge testing facilities to monitor the rate of transmission are up and running. An entirely new simulation system can very accurately assess the development of epidemics and the effects of potential interventions. However, if the models are to work people cannot choose whether they want to be tested. This should be a civic duty so that we can get an accurate picture, the researchers say, and every year – just like in the military – major exercises should be held to assess whether we are prepared for future pandemics.
Researchers striving for better water control
Researchers from Aalborg University aim to combine mathematical models with machine learning in an attempt to control water in cities. The aim is to make certain the water does not end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Consume power flexibly and contribute to the green transition
Over a number of years, researchers at Aalborg University have worked within flexible energy consumption. In a new European project, they continue their development of a concept in which both consumers’ and companies’ willingness to be flexible will play a crucial role.
Researchers to play chess against Corona: This will happen when society is reopened
Researchers at Aalborg University will contribute to developing a decision-support system that authorities can use in relation to the reopening of Denmark.
Aalborg University sees great success with interdisciplinary and data-driven research
Aalborg University has just received three of a total of eight grants from the new VILLUM Synergy Programme – including for a project headed by CISS director, Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen.
In Memoriam: Anders P. Ravn
It is with great sadness that we note the death of our colleague and friend, Professor Emeritus, Anders Peter Ravn, in the evening of July 31st, 2019.
CISS director speaking at Danish-Chinese Smart Energy conference
Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen will be speaking at House of Energy’s annual conference on Tuesday, 11 June, 2019.
AAU researchers aim to make the green transition cheaper
CISS is one of two AAU research centers in a new Danish research project that may save society billions. The project aims to ensure a flexible and green energy system in Denmark through optimized utilization of the existing power grid.
CISS director to advise Chinese Premier on digitization
Director of CISS, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, has been named among the foreign experts who are to advice the Chinese government on digitization. On 25 January, he will be meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in order to offer his insight into how...
Dansk vandteknologi i front med intelligent styring og overvågning
Et nyt projekt vil ændre den måde, vi styrer vandets kredsløb i byer på. Med projektet vil parterne revolutionere måden, vi forstår og håndterer vandet, og gevinsterne skal både findes i bedre klimatilpasning og besparelser for samfundet.
International conference on Green Digitalization
FED, DiCyPS and CITIES are co-organizing this joint international conference on Green Digitalization, taking place on November 10 2020. Attendance in person or online.
DiCyPS final conference
DiCyPS’ final conference will take place online on 9 November 2020.
NordSec 2019 – 18-20 November, 2019 in Aalborg
NordSec is an annual research conference series that has been running since 1996. The NordSec conferences address a broad range of topics on IT security. The events bring together security researchers from the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, and beyond. In addition to being venue for academic publishing, NordSec is an important meeting place for university faculty, students, and industry researchers and experts from the region.
DiCyPS vision day 2019: Future Mobility
Join us for the 2019 DiCyPS vision day on 23 May! This year’s topic is Future Mobility.
On March 8, 2018, DiCyPS invite you to the annual vision day. This year’s topic is Future Energy.
SummIT 2017: Smart Society
Smart Society will bring forth new solutions to well-known and future challenges in terms of living, working and existing in society.
Join us at SummIT 2017 and get hands-on knowledge on the business opportunities and potentials within Smart Society, which is already playing an increasing role in our society.
DiCyPS vision day 2017: Future Mobility
On March 3, 2017, DiCyPS invite you to the annual vision day. The theme of 2017 is FUTURE MOBILITY
NWPT’16: Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory
Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University organizes the 28th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT’16) at 31 October – 2 November 2016.
NiPS Summer School 2016: ICT-Energy
The Noise in Physical System Laboratory is glad to announce the seventh edition of NiPS Summer School devoted to “ICT-Energy: Energy consumption in future ICT devices”.