ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems)


The purpose of ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems) is to disseminate the competences of European actors within complex systems – with the purpose of developing new, improved products for the benefit of the European economy, job market and quality of life.

A unique aspect of ARTEMIS is the fact that the projects works for establishing collaboration between industry, universities and other research institutions – and thus also for building bridges between private companies and the world of research.

In addition, the project is based upon collaboration across national borders; hence, each proposed project needs to encompass representatives from at least three different ARTEMIS member states. In this way, the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and ideas is ensured to the highest possible degree.

The projects will be financed partially by EU resources, partially by the participating companies and partially by the states from which the participants stem.

Scientific framework

On the basis of an enormous preparatory work carried out by the ARTEMIS steering committee and a series of European research institutions, three general R&D domains have been determined:

  • Reference Designs & Architectures
  • Seamless Connectivity & Middleware
  • System Design Methods & Tools

On the basis of these, 8 sub-programmes have been chosen, under the heading of which the project proposals made under the first call need to belong. The programmes have been chosen on the basis of the idea that they need to represent areas in which European industry will be able to deliver technological solutions to a series of relevant societal issues, including e.g. health care costs, energy efficiency and transport safety (Source: the ARTEMIS magazine p. 9).

The 8 sub-programmes were::

1.      Methods and processes for safety-relevant embedded systems.

2.      Person-centric health management.

3.      Smart environments and scalable digital services.

4.      Efficient manufacturing and logistics.

5.      Computing environments for embedded systems.

6.      Security, privacy and dependability in embedded systems for applications, networks and services.

7.      Embedded technology for sustainable urban life.

8.      Human-centric design of embedded systems.

The programmes will be continually evaluated in terms of their relevancy, so that projects initiated under the ARTEMIS project will continue to focus on the most important technological challenges that society experiences.

Project proposals

On May 8th this year, the initial call for applications for the first pool of EU funds numbering € 100 million went out. The deadline is September 3rd 2008, which means that the Danish D-Artemis initiative will not manage to send in any proposals this year. However, everything has been made ready to expand on the collaborations and contacts that have already been established during the initial meetings this spring, so that the first project proposals headed by Danish representatives can be handed in during subsequent calls. In addition, Danish companies still have a chance of participating in this year’s projects, since a series of the projects already submitted are still searching for more partners. Interested parties can find a list of the projects at the ARTEMIS website about the project’s Brokerage Event in February 2008 here.

New magazine published

In June, the ARTEMIS project published a magazine in which interested parties can read more about the project. Among other things, the magazine contains articles about the project’s development during the last four years is told; interviews with representatives from Nokia and Phillips, who tell about their project ideas and about the potential they see in the ARTEMIS project, and a list of guidelines about how to submit a project proposal.

If you would like to read the magazine, you can download it here.

You can also find more information on these websites: