IDEA4CPS 1st General Meeting
On March 19-21, 2012, the first General Meeting of the Sino-Danish Basic Research Center IDEA4CPS took place at Cassiopeia, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Monday March 19 – Room: 0.0.90
10.00-10.15 Opening and welcome by Kim G Larsen and Huibiao Zhu
Prof. Jifeng He: Linking the Discrete World with Continuous World, Part 1
Specification and Modeling Formalisms 1
Mikkel Koefoed Jakobsen, Jan Madsen and Michael R. Hansen: A Modelling Framework for Energy Harvesting Aware Wireless Sensor Networks
Line Juhl: Energy Games
12.30-13.30 Lunch
Validation and Analysis Techniques 1
Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen: Statistical Model Checking in UPPAAL
Phan Anh Dung, Michael R. Hansen, Aske Brekling: On Tool Support for Duration Calculus on the basis of Presburger Arithmetic
Mini Cases / Protocols 1
Ender Yuksel: Cyber Security in Smart Energy
15.00-15.30 Coffee
Mini Cases / Protocols 2
Geguang Pu: Automobile Networking: An Overview
Ender Yuksel: From protocols to scenarios
Xenofon Fafoutis, Nicola Dragoni: Adaptive Media Access Control for Energy Harvesting – Wireless Sensor Networks
18.00 Guided Tour of Aalborg
19.30 Dinner Princess Juliana
Tuesday March 20 – Room: 0.2.12
Specification and Modeling Formalisms 2
Huibiao Zhu: Linking operational semantics and algebraic semantics for a probabilistic timed shared-variable language
Radu Mardare: Modular Markovian Process, Logics and Metrics (joint work with Luca Cardelli, Prakash Panangaden, Kim G Larsen)
10.15-10.45 Coffee
Compsitionality vs Global Characteristics
Roberto Vigo: Securing CPSs: from the attacker scenario to formal verification.
Louis-Marie Traonouez: A parametric counterexample approach for robust timed specifications
Cross-level Property Preservation
Yingke Chen: Learning Markov models for stationary system behaviors (joint with Hua Mao, Thomas D Nielsen, Manfred Jaeger, Kim G Larsen, Brian Nielsen)
Jian Zhang: Model-based Testing and Static Program Analysis
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-17.30 – Room 0.2.15
Board Meeting
19.00 Dinner at Sohngaardsholm Castle (only for board members)
Wednesday March 21 – Room: 0.2.90
Prof. Jifeng He: Linking the Discrete World with Continuous World, Part 2
Tool Prototypes 1
Mads Christian Olesen, Andreas Dalsgaard: OPAAL and LTSMin
10.45-11.15 Coffee
Tool Prototypes 2
Peter Bulychev: Timed Games in Phyton (with Alexandre David, Kim G Larsen, Jean-Francois Raskin, Gilles Geeraerts)
Marius Mikucionis: UPPAAL-TRON: Model-Based Testing of Real-Time Systems (with Brian Nielsen, Kim G Larsen)
Zhang Zhangkui: Distributed Model Checking with MapReduce (with Keiji Heljanko)
12.45-13.45 Lunch
Specification and Modeling Formalisms 3
Jiri Srba: Beyond Modal Transition Systems
14.45-15.15 Coffee
Validation and Analysis Techniques 2
Alexandre David, Dehui Du, Marius Mikucionis, Kim G Larsen: Evaluation of Climate Controllers using UPPAAL SMC

Photos from Day 1
Photos from Day 2
Photos from Day 3