IDEA4CPS - Foundations for Cyber-Physical Systems
The aim of IDEA4CPS was to create a comprehensive, mathematically well-founded theory with methods and tools to match, which would make it possible to model and analyse all elements of cyber-physical systems, including specifically quantitative aspects such as time and energy as well as the security aspects of unauthorised use, which are particularly important in connection with cyber-physical systems.
The participants in the Danish-Chinese basic research centre IDEA4CPS have contributed in a crucial manner with significant modelling and analysis elements, and it was the purpose of the centre to utilize these as the corner stones of a comprehensive theory through a focused collaborative effort.
The Chinese groups have mainly worked with mathematical modelling and testing the service layers of network-based systems, whereas the Danish research groups have worked with modelling and verification of the underlying execution platforms and network protocols. Thus, the groups involved complemented each other, but since all partners have strong roots within so-called process algebra, the collaborative potential was large.
Even though the primary aim was of a strictly basic-research character, the overall problem was of major practical significance. The partners hope that in time, the research results will lead to an improved engineering practice and contribute to a significant increase in the quality of the cyber-physical systems developed.