IoT places great demands on network protocols

The future is IoT. More and more products around us are connected, and there is an enormous data stream to and from the internet and between products. In a new article on, PI of IDEA4CPS Kim Guldstrand Larsen explains how this places great demands on the network and the protocols used.

The article was posted in connection with IDA’s conference Embedded Everywhere on the 26th October 2015. The conference brought together 430 participants from research and industry, and among the speakers was Kim Guldstrand Larsen with a well-attended presentation on “Modeling and Analysis of Wireless & Energy – Aware Sensor networks”.

In the article, Kim Guldstrand Larsen among other things explains how a Dutch project attempted to carry out realtime monitoring of 150 shopping carts in large auction halls in which tulips were sold – but the system broke down because the protocols did not function correctly.

“This is an example concerning shopping carts, which might not be that important, but imagine using it for baggage sorting in airports or other types of logistics, and things getting out of sync so you no longer know where they are and you need to go out and locate all the suitcases,” Kim Guldstrand Larsen says.

Even more critical are contexts concerning medical equipment or different types of safety-critical contexts.

In the article, IDEA4CPS researcher, Professor Jan Madsen, DTU, also describes one of these technologies of the future: Digital “angels” capable of monitoring our health around the clock – and giving us an alarm in case of illnesses or allergens around us.

> Read the article “Internet of Things: Når ting ser, hører, føler og udspionerer dig” at (only in Danish)