Technologies and Products - The Energy Aware House
Technologies and products
The overall vision of the ‘Energy Aware House’ is to illustrate how intelligent technologies can contribute to energy savings while also maintaining a desired level of comfort. Also, the stand illustrates the need for a way to control ALL appliances and devices to some extent in order to obtain optimal savings – this is part of an ongoing project among key academic partners and companies. The individual technologies and products are presented briefly below using the main elements of the stand as starting points. Please consult the info gallery of the stand for further information.
Light Control:
The key element of this exhibition part is set of 4-colour LED’s which create broad-spectered artificial daylight as close to real daylight as possible. Controlled by Servodan Luxstat Wireless control, the daylight varies during the day in terms of colours, brightness and intensity – just as real daylight does.
Moving Energy:
In order to dynamically monitor and control the overall energy distribution, a number of sensors and actuators must be controlled in and intelligent way. The PLC controller of H. Jesperson & Son provides an example of a an intelligent controller, and in the future, this will be accessed through wireless technologies like the Z-Wave protocol
Visualizing Energy:
In order to visualize energy, you need intelligent metering devices, wireless technologies and also intuitive ways of presenting the information. At this exhibition element, the products Kamstrup Smart Meter, Electronic Housekeeper “Switchkeepers” and” Lightkeepers” , the QEES keychain remote, the Tricklestar USB, and a smart iPhone application demonstrate the metering and visualization technologies. The interconnection is assured by the Z-Wave technology which is a low power wireless RF technology that allows any application from any brand to work together in a mesh network or PC. Also, the sensors and displays from Green Energy Options (GEO) are used for the visualization – using another wireless technology, the ZigBee protocol.
Open Window:
The key element of the open window scenario is a high-precision intelligent meter from Brunata, the Brunata Futura+. It is a patented, two-sensor heat cost allocator with zero unset delta T. It is an advanced battery-operated allocation meter with a built-in radio transmitter for remote reading. The device ensures cost effectiveness by measuring both the emitted and absorbed energy of a radiator in relation to the room temperature. Futura+ complies with European standard EN834 for electric heat cost allocators.
Intelligent appliances:
The idea behind this element is the intelligent control of appliances like washing/drying machines based on a dynamic awareness of energy prices obtained via the Internet. This is illustrated at the stand through the intelligent washer/dryer and intelligent metering from Indesit and Develco.
Bright Green energy Planner:
The planning engine calculates energy-optimal schedules for the home appliances based on available resources and their costs. It’s an instance of the so-called ‘cost optimal schedulability analysis’ implemented in the powerful UPPAAL CORA tool ( The control of the visualization devices is made through wireless ZigBee/Z-Wave controllers from Develco/Seluxit.